What is a Box Break?
The basic setup of a group break is that multiple people split the cost of a box (or multiple boxes or a case) in the break and then the hits are divided up amongst the people in the break (depending on what sports team that they get)
Group breaks can involve every product from Cup, Heroes and Prospects, Superlative, Dominion, Chrome, Ultimate, Series 1, O-Pee-Chee and more…..
It is a great alternative to buying a full case or box. For example, a Box of 2017 National Treasures Football can run you $540.00 whereas our 4 Box case (value $2160) box break is $135 per spot for 2 random teams.
How Do Box Breaks Work?
There are 30 people in a box break and 30 teams in the NBA. Once each spot is filled and payments are received for each spot in the break, we randomize the teams and participants in the Box Break. We then post what team you will receive once the box break starts. You will receive every card from the team you received in the random.
PayPal is the main form of payment accepted. For every box break we keep a counter on our website to keep track of who has the spots in each break and to keep track of payments.
All box break’s are done live on our main facebook page for you to watch. They are also recorded for YouTube so you can watch the break at your own convenience (search our YouTube account ‘Blogs Hobby Shop’)
Once the break is over, the cards will be divided up into teams and shipped/picked up to the appropriate members that have those teams.
Styles of Box Breaks
Random Team Style
This type of break is where every person in the break is randomly assigned a team (via random.org). Then throughout the break every card pulled of each team will go to the person that they belong to (ex: if you draw Chicago Bulls, all cards pulled with the players shown in a Chicago Bulls Jersey are yours.) There is a window prior to each break that we allow you to trade teams amongst other group break members.
Random Division Style
‘See Random Team Style’ – One difference is that it is broken down by divisions not team. NFC East, AFC West. etc…..
Random Serial Number
This type of break is where every spot will get a random number for the break - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
If you get the number 3 you will get all cards with 3 being the first number next to the "/" on the left side of the /. So for example, if the card is 13/99, 3/25, 43/49, 93/99 and so on the number 3 will get the card. All redemption cards will be randomized amongst everyone in the break, even if it is a known 1/1 it will still be randomized.
Random Pack Style
This type of break is where every spot will be randomly assigned a pack (via Random.org). Then every card pulled out of your assigned pack is yours. We usually only use this style of break on products that have 1 guaranteed hit per back. To ensure everyone will get a hit.
Random Spot Style
This type of break is where every spot will be randomly assigned a Spot (via Random.org). Then we will randomize the hits and assign them accordingly. A break like this will have a hardful of hits ,but more sports. Example, 10 Spots, 4 hits. We will open box and see the 4 hits, then random all the spots and assign the hits to numbers 1-4 accordingly.
Random Card Style
‘See Random Pack Style’ – One difference is that you will be randomly assigned a card not a pack. For Example Donruss Signature Series Football contains 4 cards per box and all 4 cards are autographed. We would open the box live and then randomize the 4 cards with the spots to assign what card you will receive.
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